Chemistry always makes us think of complexity. However, this complexity has made our lives simple and easy to live. Chemistry is everywhere around us. For example, cakes and doughs get fluffier with a pinch of baking soda, rubbing iron over bee stings, and a lot more. All of this is nothing but chemical reactions happening in the bonafide world. So, with the help of this blog of Pay for Classes, we have tried to shed some light on the application of chemistry in the bonafide world. Read it to know how you are surrounded by chemistry every single second.
Also, if you are taking chemistry online classes and you find it tough to understand at times then you can post online requests to seek professional assistance such as, can I pay someone to do my online class? Once you get an expert to help you with the subject, you can overcome your academic hurdles. Now, let us read about the application of chemistry in the physical world.
Human Body Composition
All of us have studied that the human body is made up of millions of compounds. Moreover, humankind does not even know it all. Furthermore, all these chemical compounds are formed with the combination of certain constituent elements inclusive of nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, oxygen, sulfur, hydrogen, calcium, etc. In addition to this, different formulas are formed when a variety of combinations takes place. As a result, we get something significant.
Also, understand that every compound you have in your body is there to serve a purpose. It can be the construction of the cell membrane or the formation of hemoglobin. Every micrometer of the human body has chemistry. Hence, this is the first on our list of the application of chemistry in the bonafide world.
Emotional Chemistry
Here, we are talking about the biochemical compounds with which our mood is controlled. This is our chemistry of everyday life. Moreover, you must have heard that our brain releases some hormones on which depends the emotions we will be feeling. For a balance, our body have both happy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins, etc.) and sad hormones (cortisol, fall in dopamine or serotonin, etc.).
Additionally, we tend to feel stressed when cortisol gets accumulated. On the other hand, the release of hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, etc. makes us feel happy. These biochemicals play a major role in controlling our moods and emotions.
Food Chemistry
Another application of chemistry in the bonafide world is found in food. We can now have softer and fluffier bread. Moreover, the cereals, chicken, fruits, and other food we eat require proper ingredients and condiments. These required ingredients are made as a result of several chemical processes. Furthermore, the food we eat from plants also uses a chemical process we know as photosynthesis to make their food. Also, it is fundamental to all ecosystems. Plants best know how to harness solar energy and incorporate it with water and carbon dioxide. Eventually, all the food chains in nature are dependent on plants.
In addition to this, to understand the prime example of how biology and chemistry work together to sustain life through photosynthesis, you can seek biology online class help. And in case of trouble, you can seek request such as, take my online biology class for me. Furthermore, you can also refer to some of the research already conducted.
Leaves Discoloration
Chemistry is there in the world of flora and fauna as well. Earlier, we read about photosynthesis where we caught a hold on the life of plants. In our elementary classes, we are taught about the pigment Chlorophyll responsible for the green color of leaves. However, when the amount of this pigment decreases in leaves, the leaves become pale yellow in color. This is also due to chemistry in nature, another example of the application of chemistry in the bonafide world.
Digestion of Food
What do you think happens to the food you eat when it enters the digestive system? Yes! There are some chemical reactions involved in the whole process of digestion right from chewing the food to its complete digestion. Moreover, when you eat your food and it goes down in the stomach, the walls of the stomach release hydrochloric acid or HCL, and other food mixes here with HCL. Hence, we can say that food digestion is one such application of chemistry that is taking place even if you are not noticing it.
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Common Salt
All of us have salt in our homes as it is one of the essential ingredients for cuisine worldwide. The scientific name of salt is Sodium Chloride (NaCl). Moreover, it does not only add taste to our food and make it flavorful but acts as a natural and excellent preservative.
Ice Floating on Water
You must have noticed ice floating on your glass full of soda or water. So, what is happening here? It happens because the chemical density of ice is less than that of water. Moreover, we can explain this phenomenon using algebraic principles. The lower density of ice makes it float on water and to express it mathematically we can use the equation, ρ = m/V. Here, ρ is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume.
Furthermore, scientists can easily determine why ice floats on water and calculate the density of water and ice. This is one example of how we can incorporate algebra to understand the natural world and its phenomenon. Hence, to understand other uses of algebra, you can seek algebra online class help. And in case of trouble, you can post request such as, take my online algebra class for me.
We use soaps, sanitizers, detergents, etc. daily for hygiene purposes. But maybe you never understood the chemistry behind it. Saponification is a process through which soaps are made. Moreover, the molecules of soap form micelles in water. These micelles grab the dirt from their surface. With this chemical reaction, we clean our clothes daily.
Similarly, when you use sanitizer for cleanliness, all the microbes and germs on your hands get dissolve in the alcohol present in your sanitizer. The reaction is vigorous and it destroys microbial life 99.9% as claimed by some TV advertisements.
The Expiration Dates on Bottled Drinking Water
Why do you think there is an expiration date on a bottle of drinking water? So, in order to standardize the packaging quality an expiration date is instilled on the bottle. Moreover, it also implies that if the expiration date is up there might be a taste difference in water as the chemical used in packaging might ruin the water quality.
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Other Application of Chemistry in the Bonafide World
Given below is a list of things that happen around us due to chemistry or chemical reactions.
- The chemical reaction while cutting onions make your eyes watery. Onion have amino acid sulphoxide compounds in it that turns to sulphenic acid when we slice it. Moreover, a volatile gas called propanediol s-oxide is produced as a result and further, it stimulates our tear glands.
- Next application of chemistry in the real world is baking chemistry. Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or baking soda, when added to a dough, makes the bread fluffier. Moreover, the chemical process involved here is the breaking down of salt to release Carbon Dioxide which results in rising of the food.
- Sunblocks and sunscreen use organic and inorganic compounds which scatter away UV light and act as a filter for UV rays respectively. In this way, UV rays cannot invade deeper into your skin.
- Adenosine is a chemical present in coffee that slows down the activities of nerve cells when our mind signals to sleep.
- Chemical preservatives help in food prevention. Pickles and honey have natural chemical compound that helps in prevention from microbial growth.
- Rusting of iron is caused due to a chemical reaction when the iron reacts with the oxygen present in the water vapor in the environment.
Hence, we can say that the application of chemistry in the bonafide world isn’t only essential but vast. Moreover, it is a fascinating field evolving continuously and serving society. Be it the food we eat or the clothes we wear, we are 24/7 surrounded by chemistry and its applications. Therefore, if we understand the role chemistry plays in the world around us, we will be able to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: 1 What is the importance of chemistry in today’s world?
Answer: 1 We need chemistry in life to meet our basic needs of health, food, clean air, shelter, water, soil, energy, and clothing. Also, with the help of chemical technologies, we have got enriched solutions for the quality of our lives.
Question: 2 What are the main applications of chemistry?
Answer: 2 We mainly need chemistry for the growth and development of various industries. For example, Pigments, Pharmaceuticals, Paints, Sugar, Glass, Leather, Petroleum, Cement, Textile, Paper, Plastics, etc.